A Season of Transition
Dear Rocky Mountain ASTA Members, Soon, on May 2 – 4, the ASTA Global Convention will begin, which marks the turning of the ASTA Calendar year. May 5 will be "New Year's Day" in ASTA's calendar. Like all seasonal and calendar transitions, one discovers that elements change as each calendar page turns. This year the winter winds have been blowing hard, and our chapter, too, will see some exciting changes that will bring new things to you! ASTA elections have just concluded, and I was extremely humbled and honored to have been elected by the other ASTA Chapter Presidents to serve as the new Northwest Regional Director for ASTA … and… as a new member of the ASTA National Board of Directors. I say this… NOT… to toot my own horn. Those who have come to know me know that that is not my style. ASTA is about …YOU… our members, and I am here only to serve you. Therefore, I say this instead simply to make you aware that we will likely have some very positive transitions at the Chapter Leadership level, and I do not want you to be surprised by these when they happen. With that spoken, please know that your chapter will continue in excellent hands, and while new faces may be present, old faces, including mine, will still be seen and found. More details will be forthcoming soon. But for now, I ask you to rest easy knowing that my goal is to make any transitions as smooth and seamless as possible so that we may continue to serve you, our membership, in the best ways imaginable. If you are attending the ASTA Global Convention, please drop me a note to let me know - I would love to connect with as many of you as possible at the conference! If you have not had the opportunity to complete our chapter member survey yet, I strongly encourage you to fill that out now so we may learn your preferences for our chapter and serve you better. Remember, those who fill out the survey in full by April 19, 2023, are eligible for the prize drawing for one of two $50 Amazon Gift cards! Don't lose your opportunity to win twice – (1) by letting us bring you more activities and events of value to you and (2) one of the possible gift cards to Amazon! Please know that we will not share or sell any information in the survey with others. The survey is strictly so we can learn your preferences to better serve you and will be held in complete confidentiality from others outside of chapter leadership. The link to the survey can be found here [outdated]. As always, thank you for your membership to ASTA, and Rocky Mountain ASTA! We appreciate your membership! Respectfully yours, Rob Hale | Chapter President | [email protected] | 303.317.6945
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