Whether you've been a member forever or are new, welcome to Rocky Mountain ASTA!
The first and most important thing to know is that our chapter is here for you and we want to see you excel in your business. We are always eager to hear from members about any concerns, questions, or ideas they have, so always feel free to email anyone on the chapter's Board of Directors with your thoughts or questions.
The first and most important thing to know is that our chapter is here for you and we want to see you excel in your business. We are always eager to hear from members about any concerns, questions, or ideas they have, so always feel free to email anyone on the chapter's Board of Directors with your thoughts or questions.
MAXIMIZING YOUR ASTA MEMBERSHIPBe sure you get the most out of your ASTA membership!
ASTA's YOUNG PROFESSIONALS SOCIETYThe Young Professionals Society brings together Travel Advisors and other travel industry professionals who are 45-ish and younger. Our goal is to help each other develop a successful travel business through education, networking, and special events.
If you're in this age bracket and are interested in meeting other travel professionals, learn more about YPS here. |
Chapter BOARD MEETINGSOur chapter's Board of Directors meets every month, usually on the third Wednesday at 3pm. All members are welcome to attend these virtual meetings, to join simply
We'll also post the minutes and recordings of our meetings on our website. To see what's new, visit the Chapter Business page. |
VOLUNTEERWe are an all-volunteer organization, and we're always open to additional help! From helping to run our annual trade show, to helping us at industry events, whatever time and skills you can offer we'd love to have you on the team! Learn more about Volunteering here.